Hosting WordPress with Moodle in a Subfolder Using Separate Root Folders

When you want to have a strong online presence, you often need two things: a fancy website system like WordPress and a smart learning system like Moodle. Usually, people put these systems in different places. WordPress goes on the main website, and Moodle gets a little home on a subdomain. But sometimes, you might think, “Why not put them together?” So, you can have your main site with WordPress and Moodle hanging out in a subfolder.
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Install Nginx Vod Module

Nginx-vod-module is NGINX-based module developed by Kaltura. nginx-vod-module (included in Kaltura-Nginx) Enables On-the-fly repackaging of MP4 files to DASH, HDS, HLS, MSS. There are several other features like DRM, multi-bitrate, subtitles etc. supported by this module. To check the detail about nginx-vod-module, you can visit kaltura nginx-vod-module github page here In this tutorial, we will show you how to install nginx-vod-module using built-in Kaltura-Nginx for easy installation. PREREQUISITES # Ubuntu 20.
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